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Katerina Zafeiropoulou

Born in 1980. She graduated with honors from the School of Fine Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2001-2006) as a scholar of the Greek State Scholarships Foundation. She graduated with honors from the MFA Byam Shaw, Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design of London (2008-2009), as a scholar of the Christos and Kalliopi Lemos Foundation, P. Bakala Institute Scholarship of Greece, Nikolaos Koukouflis Foundation Award. Since 2010, she has presented 4 solo shows (2020,2016 DL gallery, 2016 CASK Gallery, 2010 24 Gallery) and participated in more than 30 group exhibitions, residencies and projects in Greece and abroad. Her works are featured of many public and private collections. She is a member of Future Scenarios. She lives and works in Athens.

Solo Exhibitions
2016-17 inhabitants, DL Gallery, Piraeus, (curated by Alexios Papazacharias).
2016 Habitus, CASK Gallery, Larisa, (curated by Alexios Papazacharias).
2010 Eyewitnesses, 24 Gallery, Athens, (text by Xaris Savvopoulos).

Group Exhibitions
2018 Platforms project, Independent Art Fair, Future Scenarios, (curated by. A. Potamianou, Μ. Argyrou).
2018 Sample environments, NITRA Gallery, Thessaloniki, (text by G.Bolis).
2017 Size matters?, Ikastikos Kiklos DL, Athens, (curated by D. Lymperopoulos).
2017 Miniatures, Troupakis- Mourtzinos Fortress, Kardamili, Mani, (curated by L. Tsikouta).
2017 Art-Athina International Art Fair, Ikastikos Kiklos DL, Athens.
2017 The Cat show, Kidslab VYCA, Art – Athina, (curated by VYCA).
2017 Platforms project, Independent Art Fair, Future Scenarios, (curated by. A. Potamianou, Μ. Argyrou).
2016 The fantastic journeys of energy, Kappatos Gallery, Athens, (curated by L. Andrioti).
2016 Chapter two, CASK Gallery, Larisa, (curated by A. Papazacharias – G.A. Samaras).
2016 Art-Athina International Art Fair, CASK Gallery, Larisa, Greece.
2016 Art-Athina International Art Fair, Enia Gallery, Athens, Greece.
2016 Spaced Out, Enia Gallery, Athens, Greece (curated by D. Lymberopoulos).
2015 Jules Vern, The Loft, Athens, (curated by C.Kotsoulas).
2015 S.O.M.A (Scattered Open Museum of Attica), Keratea, (curated by X.Xaris).
2015 Urban policy, Depo Darm Contemporary Art Space, Athens, (curated by G. Polyzoidis).
2015 Reflections of the Plate, Museum of Gastronomy, Athens, (curated by L. Mantikou).
2014 Paper Faces- Remake Yourself, Kids lab VYCA Art- Athina, (curated by VYCA).
2014 In Art, Ζina Αthanassiadou Gallery, Thessaloniki.
2014 Arch_06, Microgeografies III, 5-7 Riga Palamidou str., Athens, (curated by X.Xaris).
2013 Smile at the Strange, VYCA House, 24 Loukianou str., Athens, (curated by VYCA).
2013 Office, Microgeografies III, 8 S. Portas str., Athens, (curated by X.Xaris).
2012 Rooms to Art, Panepistimiou 64 str., Athens, (curated by G.Voudouri).
2012 ΑΝΑΚΑΤΑ 4, Camp of Pavlos Melas, Thessaloniki, (curated by E. Chrysidou).
2012 Inspire Festival, The world is not enough, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki (curated by M. Kenanidou).
2010 Human action, Cultural Center Melina Merkouri Athens, (curated by I.Kritikou).
2010 Meeting II, 24 Gallery, Athens, (curated by E. Sakareli).
2009 17 Ingredients, Measures of autonomy, Studio One, London, (curated by S.Khanna- B.Craig).
2009 artWorksOpen 2009, Blackhorse Lane Studios, London UK
2008 Artpoint, Artis Causa Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece.
2008 Ano Teleia, Fizz Gallery, Athens, (curated by S. Pappa).
2007 4th Biennale University of Fine Arts Athens and Toronto – USA.
2007 Trans-mission, Kardamyli, Mani(curated by M.Lagou).
2007 Graduates’ Exhibition ’05-’06, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki.
2006 Co–existence, Gallery Zina Athanassiadou, Thessaloniki, Greece.
2006 4th Biennale for the students of Greek Fine Arts Schools, Creta Maris Hotels Hrakleio.
2006 Synergeia, Center of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki.
2004 The lunch, Tellogleio Art Foundation, Thessaloniki (curated by A. Vettas).